Targają mną już teraz mieszane uczucia. Z jednej strony cieszę się na powrót do domu bo minął już rok od czasu gdy ostatnio widziałam się z moją rodziną, przyjaciółmi i znajomymi. Podczas tych 12 miesięcy dwukrotnie zostałam ciotką. Nie wiem dziewczyny czy zdajecie sobie sprawę, ale uzurpuję sobie taki status zarówno dla Kajtka jak i Wojtka :). Więc chciałabym maluchy jak i ich rodziców na własne oczy zobaczyć. Z drugiej strony mimo tego, że jeszcze wciąż mam przed sobą ponad miesiąc uganiania się za orangutanami na samą myśl o wyjeździe żal serce ściska. W końcu, co chyba oczywiste uwielbiam to co teraz robię, miejsce w którym to robię i ludzi z którymi pracuję.
Przede mną ekscytujące i pracowite kilka tygodni. Mam nadzieję, że będą równie udane jak wszystkie poprzednie. No i kto wie, może las nam się wzbogaci nie tylko o nowo uwolnione osobniki ale także nowo narodzone? Już dość długo czekamy na potomka Monic :).
Trzymajcie kciuki za powodzenie wypuszczania oraz śledźcie cały proces na http://goingback2dforest.wordpress.com/.
Z ostatniej podróży do Batikap.
Efekt: jeden samochód się zepsuł, drugi utknął więc dopiero
o 12 w nocy dotarłam na piechotę do wioski po 2 godzinach marszu.
From my last trip to Batikap.
Result: one car broken other stuck in the mud
so I arrived in the vilage at midnight after taking 2h walk.
Z mojej ostatniej podróży z Batikap, samolotem tym razem,
że szybciej to jedno, ale te widoki....
From my last trip from Batikap, this time by plane.
Faster that is one thing, but the views...
©BOSF photo by Anna Marzec |
Astrid i jej pociecha :)
Astrid with her baby :)
Częsty gość w domu OuTrop w Palangkarayi. Zwykle znajdujemy je w łazience.
A frequent visitor in the OuTrop house in Palangka.
Usually we found them in the bathrooms.
Tomorrow I will go back to Batikap. I know last time supposed to be my last month in the jungle but it happened that I am staying a little longer :). Thanks to that I will have the opportunity to participate and partly also coordinate the next, fifth in total and the first in this year release of orangutans. I can't wait!
I have a mixed feelings right now. On the one hand I am happy to return home because it's been a year since the last time I saw my family, friends and colleagues. During those 12 months I became an aunt twice. I'm not sure that you girls realize, but I usurps this status to be an aunt for both Kajtek and Wojtek :). I would like to finally see both of them but also their parents. On the other hand, despite the fact that I still have more than a month of chasing orangutrans ahead of me, still the thought of leaving makes me sad. In the end, what's obvious I guess, I love what I am doing now, and the place where I do it, and the people I work with, not mention orangutans themselves.
But ahead of me, an exciting and busy few weeks. I hope it will be as successful as the previous ones. And who knows, maybe the population of orangutans will increase not only over newly released individuals but a newborn as well? Well, it has been quite a long time that we're waiting for the child of Monic :).
Keep your fingers crossed. You can follow next release - the entire process and stay up to date by checking for news here http://goingback2dforest.wordpress.com/.
I have a mixed feelings right now. On the one hand I am happy to return home because it's been a year since the last time I saw my family, friends and colleagues. During those 12 months I became an aunt twice. I'm not sure that you girls realize, but I usurps this status to be an aunt for both Kajtek and Wojtek :). I would like to finally see both of them but also their parents. On the other hand, despite the fact that I still have more than a month of chasing orangutrans ahead of me, still the thought of leaving makes me sad. In the end, what's obvious I guess, I love what I am doing now, and the place where I do it, and the people I work with, not mention orangutans themselves.
But ahead of me, an exciting and busy few weeks. I hope it will be as successful as the previous ones. And who knows, maybe the population of orangutans will increase not only over newly released individuals but a newborn as well? Well, it has been quite a long time that we're waiting for the child of Monic :).
Keep your fingers crossed. You can follow next release - the entire process and stay up to date by checking for news here http://goingback2dforest.wordpress.com/.