poniedziałek, 25 marca 2013

Koniec fantastycznej przygody // The end of fantastic adventure

Mój nieco ponad roczny pobyt w Indonezji i najwspanialsza praca jaką mogłabym sobie tylko wyobrazić, a miałam okazję wykonywać, dobiegła końca. Od kilku dni jestem już w Polsce i przyzwyczajam się do panujących tu temperatur. Jest to tym samym ostatni post dotyczący mojej niestety już minionej indonezyjskiej przygody. Niemniej wszystkich zainteresowanych losem uwolnionych orangutanów oraz tych, które już w kwietniu wrócą do lasu zapraszam do śledzenia bloga: http://goingback2dforest.wordpress.com. Tu jak zwykle, na bieżąco, najciekawsze informacje z życia Tarzana i całej paczki.

Poniżej pozwalam sobie na publikację najnowszego posta z bloga BOS, gdyż są to moje podziękowania dla wszystkich współpracowników i tych, którzy nam pomagali i wciąż pomagają Fundacji w tym jakże ważnym projekcie. Nie żegnam się natomiast bo do Indonezji na pewno wrócę i to całkiem niedługo. Także ze wszystkimi mam nadzieję jeszcze się spotkam, a i może do Batikap uda mi się dotrzeć? Tutaj, na bloga, też wrócę już za kilka miesięcy i będę znów opisywać moje leśne przygody również na Centralnym Kalimantanie, choć z innego miejsca. Ale o tym, to już inny razem. Wszystkim wiernym czytelnikom dziękuję i zapraszam ponownie w czerwcu lub lipcu jeszcze tego roku :).





A Message from Anna

Dear all,
We are delighted to post a message from Anna who has spent the last 13 months volunteering for us in the Bukit Batikap Forest.  Anna has been a wonderful addition to our team and although we are very sad to see her leave us, we are extremely proud that she is going on to do an exciting new PhD project on orangutans.  Anna, it has been a pleasure having you on the team and we too hope you will come back and visit!
Wishing you much luck and best wishes

All at the BOS Foundation


Hi everyone! My name is Anna and I have been volunteering for the BOS Foundation working as a monitoring coordinator at the release site in Batikap for a little over a year. For the last thirteen months I have had the pleasure of living in this beautiful, primary forest observing newly released orangutans which is definitely one of the most interesting, challenging and satisfying experiences of my life. I feel privileged that I had the chance to be a part of this project. Working with orangutans and being actively involved in reintroducing them back to the forest was even more than I ever dreamed it could be.

Following Isis on my very last day in the forest. (Photo: Joy Anisa)
Following Isis on my very last day in the forest. (Photo: Joy Anisa)


I very much enjoyed every moment I have spent in Batikap. It was an amazing experience and a great pleasure to be a part of our orangutan’s daily life. I am very happy that I could accompany them not only at the moment of their release, but months after that, observing them exploring the forest and successfully living in their new home. I love all of our orange creatures, but I still have my favorite one which is the most impressive orangutan in Batikap’s forest – Tarzan. I also have a special bond with Mogok and Terusan as I personally opened their cages and released them into the forest. I hope that these three males and all of the other released and born, so far and in the future, orangutans will live long, happy and undisturbed lives. I will surely miss all of them and I very much hope to come back here one day.

I would like to give my sincere thanks to everyone in the BOS Foundation for letting me be a part of this project as well as all of those who helped us (the monitoring team) along the way and made our work possible. I also wish to thank local people from the villages of Tumbang Tohan and Tumbang Naan for their hospitality and help. Without their support this project would not be a success. But special thanks go to all of my team mates who I had an opportunity to work and live with for the past year. It has been a real pleasure and fun to work with a group of very skilled, experienced, enthusiastic, hard working and tough guys: Purnomo, Ali, Joy, Owang, Pri, Pak Johanis, Pak Sangai, Pak Tuwe, Timbung, Lator, all the vets and technicians from Nyaru Menteng and many others who helped in the field over these months. Big thanks to Pau and Melissa the two volunteers who did a great job and helped us a lot. And last but not least thanks to all the orange creatures which made my forest days unforgettable and full of joy. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing the ex-caged orangutans free, the ex-rehabs becoming annoyed with our presence and most of all seeing a newly, wild-born orangutan!

I would like to wish BOS Foundation many more successful releases so that all orangutans from Nyaru Menteng can return into the wild. This is a great team effort of many people working in BOS and those supporting Foundation’s efforts. Keep up a great job and good luck for next releases!

Anna Marzec

piątek, 22 marca 2013

Ja i Mogok // Me and Mogok

Jeden z wielu niezapomnianych momentów spędzonych w Batikap. Mogok wrócił do lasu, a ja osobiście mu w tym pomogłam :). Ujęcie niestety "od tyłu" a to z uwagi na charakterek tegoż rehabilitowanego samca - jednym słowem nieprzewidywalny. Stąd też wszyscy zachowali bezpieczny dystans a i ja, jak to widać na filmie, wycofałam się raczej szybko :).

 by Ike

Lepsze ujęcie Mogoka 
Better shoot of Mogok (© BOSF by Media)
One of many unforgetable moments I had in Batikap. Me helping Mogok return to the forest by opening his cage :). The video unfortunately shows all the process from behind because Mogok is not only a rehab male but also quite unpredictable one. So everyone kept safe distance and I also backed off quickly :).

wtorek, 19 marca 2013

Moje ostatnie uwolnienie orangutanów // My last orangutan release

W lutym odbyło się pierwsze w tym roku a w sumie już piąte uwolnienie orangutanów. Po raz pierwszy pogoda nam nieco pokrzyżowała plany przez co proces uwalniania przeciągnął się z 2 do 3 dni. Wszystko inne poszło zgodnie z planem i wszystkie 20 orangutanów, w tym czwórka maluchów wróciły do lasu. Na dzień dzisiejszy w Batikap żyje 65 osobników z czego tylko jeden nie został przez nas uwolniony bo poczęty i urodzony został właśnie w tutejszej dżungli :). Zamiast opisywać wydarzenia tych trzech jakże intensywnych dni poniżej publikuję kilka zdjęć.

 Tradycyjne zdjęcie grupowe. 
Traditional group photo.

 Z Tedim, który nigdy nie bywa poważny. 
With Tedi who is never serious 
(photo by Ahmat).

 Orangutany przybyły.
Orangutans have arrived.
(photo by Adhy)

 Z pilotem i load masterem. 
Niestety nie udało mi się załapać na lot - no pewnie, że próbowałam :)
With the pilot and load master. 
Unfortunately I didn't manage to get on the flight - of course I did try :) 
(photo by Adhy)

 Transport orangutanów do łodzi. 
Carrying cages with orangutan from helipad to the boats.

 Transport orangutanów łodzią do punktu uwolnienia.
 Transporting orangutans by boat to the release location.
(photo by Adhy)

 Jeszcze kilka minut dzieli je od wolności.
Just few more minutes and they are going to be free.
(photo by Ahmat)

 Ostatni wysiłek - przenoszenie klatek we wcześniej wyselekcjonowane miejsca.
Last effort - carrying cages to the earlier carefully chosen release spots.

 Moment, na który wszyscy czekali - otwarcie klatek.
The moment we were all waiting for - opening the cages.

Udało się, kolejny raz! 
We did it again! 
(photo by Adhy)

 W obozie.
In camp.
(photo by Ahmat)

 Świętujemy kolejne udane uwolnienie!!!
Celebrating another sucessful release!!!


In February, the first this year and the fifth in total, orangutan release was held in Batikap. It was first time when the weather thwarted our plans a little, so instead 2 days the release was stretched and took 3. Luckily everything else went according to plan and all 20 orangutans, including four babies returned to the forest. There are now 65 individuals living in Batikap: 64 that we have released and one which was conceived and born here. Instead of describing events of the 3 intense days here I post few photos so you can see yourself.