Droga z Palangki do Tumbang Lahung. Nie w całości jest aż tak kiepska,
ale od momentu przekroczenia rzeki do wioski przez ok 2 godziny prowadzi taka droga.
A teraz wyobraźcie ją sobie w deszczu lub zaraz po..., a pada tu niemal codziennie :)
The road from Palangka to Tumbang Lahung. It is not that bad all the way to the village
but just for about 2 last hours. Now imagine it during the rain or soon after...
and it does rain here almost every day :)
Wschód słońca, gdzieś nieopodal Batu Ampar.
Sun rise somwhere near Bantu Ampar.
Pominę 5 minutowy film z 2wu godzinnej jazdy samochodem z Batu Ampar do Camp B z tej prostej przyczyny, że nie wiele na nim widać. Powodem jest to, że na tym odcinku trasy do obozu porządnie nas wytrząsa, tym samym wspomniany filmik to skaczący obraz krętej, żwirowej drogi i otaczającego ją lasu. Nam ten krótki przejazd zwykle przyprawia o ból głowy i kilka nowych siniaków.
Zachód słońca na rzece Joloi. Stąd do obozu już tylko godzina...
Sun set at the river Joloi. From here to camp it is only another hour or so...
Po 3 dniach podróży witamy w obozie Posu.
After 3 days of travel welcome in the camp Posu.
After a very intensive two weeks in the city it was time to return to the camp. Even though I love what I do and the place where I work, I feel tired already when I think of taking that trip again. Once I described the way to camp, but the route has changed slightly since then. For example now instead of 12 hours in a car to Puruk Cahu we spend 8 on the way to Tumbang Lahung. Then we change for so-called taxi motor or a motorized boat which is soooo not a spead boat. The difference is that typical spead boat takes you in about 2h from Tumbang Lahung to Batu Ampar when the taxi motor does it in 5 to 6 hours. From Batu Ampar route to the camp is still the same, so two hours in the car and then seven in a motorized boat called klotok, cis or alkon but again not too fast, we usually go with maximum speed of 20km/h. So join me now for a short verion of my 3 day long trip to the forest - see the short video and photos above. I have just skipped a five-minute film which suppose to ilustrate the 2 hour journey from Batu Ambar to Camp B. I did it because all you would see is a shaky image of the poor quality road and the surrounding. This part of the trip usually gives us a headache and many bruises.
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